I love this town. It has character. It becomes more obvious every time I am away from this interesting city. I feel comfortable here. I feel good here. I am becoming even more aware of its beauty as I take more and more photographs around town. People like to be photographed with iconic scenes of their hometown. There are so many here. I find them one by one. Some of them are commonly seen in photos, like the 360 bridge or the Capital building...and some of them are rarely seen in any photos like the one I have here of my boys in front of the Gingerman. They are all parts of Austin and they all provoke different thoughts and memories for each person.
Photo Tip: Get a new perspective on an old subject. Create a twist to an otherwise ordinary scene. You can do this a lot of times with changing your position as compared to your subject. For example get really low or even put the camera on the ground and shoot what you see. Photograph a building from a different angle than most people view it. You might find your way more interesting.
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