Thursday, February 14, 2013

Austin folks - Valentine spirit

There is always stunningly charming when you see a man with a dozen red roses. Then a woman, she has life written all over her face. In valentine spirit wearing a red sweat shirt underneath her jacket and wearing cross earings on Ash wednesday.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's never too late and mommy was there

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Sometimes the best times are had by just spending quality time with a couple of good friends. Turned 8 months ago. This was a belated present for him. Sleepover with his great friends. And yes Mommy was there. Just remember that she is always there. love you my sweet boy.

Friday, February 8, 2013

adventure with friends


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Amazing that we can find fossils and these beautiful formations in Austin and so close to home. Fun with friends.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

in memory of the one we love

Today - three days from a half a year. Half a year of living without your presence in our lives. Today the final chapter of this process was closed. Your headstone was delivered and installed. It was beautiful, sad, and to the point. Mom had them write a bit in Persian. Translated in means you are remembered with much fondness oh kindest one. You truly were so very caring, so giving, so dedicated to all your loved ones. We are all better people because of you and we are all a little lost without you. May your spirit always gently reside in each of our hearts. May your soul be in the most beautiful place there is. We love you. We miss you. We honor you.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Stemple Family - Calling all grandkids

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A professional photographer herself for years, as well as an instructor of photography, A proud Grandmother commissioned me (on recommendation of her wonderful daughter-in-law) to photograph her beautiful family. She had a vision of having all of her kids and their kids in one place. It was a big job to coordinate the time and place, but she did it and everyone showed up on time.  Once I met the entire family the session went by in a blink. We got all of the grand-kids on one of the marble cows and the rest is history. I can't take credit for that wonderful idea, it came from grandma herself. It was the only way to keep the grand-kids from running off in 6 different directions. I told her later I loved how all of her family was so wonderful to each other. She must have been so proud. I am so glad I got to meet her and all of her family.

Loving Mundy Family

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A mom and dad as cool as possible. A good natured boy with lots of smile and a beautiful young lady full of grace. What love in this family. And the dad had a great eye for a photos and I loved it.