He's my Dad:
Dad, can you teach me to walk? Teach me to talk? Dad can you put batteries in my talking doll? Dad can you take me to school? Can you show me the way? Dad can you mend my broken heart? Dad can you Keep us safe ? Dad can you teach me not to be afraid of anything just like you? Can you teach me how to not take myself seriously? Dad can you teach me to fix things? Can you teach me to be selfless? Dad can you teach me how to sacrifice my life for my children and never ask anything in return? Dad can you love my kids and care for them any time we ask? Dad will you do anything for me no matter how old I am? The answer to all of these questions are a resounding YES ... it's just understood. We never have to wonder. It's never spoken but he's not ever more than a few moments away if you need him. He will stay up all night and hold my newborn's oxygen mask ...all night... without a minute of sleep ... he's 72 but he has the energy of a 22 year old man. Never afraid of any hard work or pain. He's amazing. He's my dad. We love you dad .
He's my husband: "I knew you'd be a good mom", he said. The truth is that I didn't even know that myself back then. His intuition was seeing far in to the future. A future we would build together. He is the angel that came into my life just when I needed him. He works hard, he plays hard. He provides and protects. He reads to our kids, he runs around with them untill they are all tired and sweaty. He teaches them about our world. He gets tired but he won't even take a five mintue break. He's worried but he never lets on. He tickles and chases and hides and draws, kicks, swims, hikes, bikes, and camps. He hugs and cuddles and kisses and is not afraid to show his love. He takes care of them when they're sick. He takes care of me when I'm sick. He would do anything for us. He is true to his word. He is exciting, he knows a lot, he's smart and can fix anything, he's my rock, he is my friend, he's my love, he's their daddy, he is their hero, he's my husband.
We love you Chris.
Photo Tip:
Photos of loved ones are a precious treasure. Take them often and chronicle the lives of the ones you love. Black and white can be achieved with most any photo-editing software and camrera out there now and it gives your project a photojournalistic feel.